
Support LRIW & Enhance Your Brand at RSI/CMA 2014 with a Sponsorship

Support the League of Railway Women (LRIW) and enhance your brand by reserving a sponsorship at the LRIW Annual Conference at RSI/CMA 2014 + Canadian Rail Summit. This is a unique opportunity to raise your corporate profile and showcase your products and services by reserving a sponsorship at the premier rail event in Canada. Attendance is expected to be approximately 1500 – don't miss out on this exciting opportunity and reserve your spot now!

Support the League of Railway Women (LRIW) and enhance your brand by reserving a sponsorship at the LRIW Annual Conference at RSI/CMA 2014 + Canadian Rail Summit. This is a unique opportunity to raise your corporate profile and showcase your products and services by reserving a sponsorship at the premier rail event in Canada. Attendance is expected to be approximately 1500 – don't miss out on this exciting opportunity and reserve your spot now!

Available LRIW Sponsorships
  • Audio Visual – $3,000
  • Wi-Fi in Meeting Room – $1,000
  • Water Cooler – $2,000
All sponsorships come with logo branding inside the LRIW meeting room, on general event signage, online and in the event show guide. We are also open to sponsorship ideas so please let us know.

If you are interested in a sponsorship or would to like to discuss the benefits associated with them, please contact

