Registration, Room Blocks Open for Railway Interchange 2015
- By: LRW
- On: 02/03/2015 13:45:27
- In: Annual Conference
Join LRIW at Railway Interchange 2015 for our Annual Conference
Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 3, 2015 – Registration and hotel reservations have begun for Railway Interchange 2015, the USA-based combined exhibition and technical conference taking place Sunday, October 4 through Wednesday, October 7 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The exhibition will be held October 4-6, 2015 with Technical & Educational Sessions taking place October 4-7, 2015 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The League of Railway Industry Women's Annual Conference will be held in conjunction with Railway Interchange 2015.

Join LRIW at Railway Interchange 2015 for our Annual Conference

The Railway Interchange 2015 exhibition showcases the latest technology, services, and research by members of the Railway Supply Institute (RSI), the Railway Engineering-Maintenance Suppliers Association (REMSA), and Railway Systems Suppliers, Inc. (RSSI). Railway Interchange 2015 also features technical presentations and discussions by members of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) and the Coordinated Mechanical Associations (CMA). CMA organizations include the Air Brake Association, the International Association of Railway Operating Officers, the League of Railway Industry Women, the Locomotive Maintenance Officers Association and Mechanical Association Railcar Technical Services.
With over 400,000 square feet of combined indoor exhibit display space, and more than 1.5 miles of combined outdoor on and off-track exhibits, Railway Interchange 2015 is the largest combined railway exhibition and technical conference in North America, according to event organizers.
Registration: The cost to attend the 2015 LRIW Annual Conference attendees is $150 with the cost increasing $50 on site. LRIW registration includes access to the indoor and outdoor exhibits, in addition to, all of the Coordinated Mechanical Associations technical and educational sessions. Fees also cover entrance into the opening session and all meals and receptions on the exhibit hall floor.
Please select the Coordinated Mechanical Associations registration box and select LRIW as your group affiliation when registering. Room Blocks: In order to receive Railway Interchange 2015 hotel room rates you must reserve through the Railway Interchange 2015 hotel online portal. Please book early as there are a limited number of hotel rooms available. Please affiliate with the Railway Supply Institute if you aren't already affiliated with another organization. LRIW Conference Outline
- Saturday, October 3 – LRIW Mixer at local bar / restaurant
- Monday, October 5 – Technical & Educational Sessions
- Tuesday, October 6 – Technical Tours (railroad & supplier)
- Note: There will be time to visit the exhibits, meals will be held on the exhibit hall floor.
If so, please contact Your ideas, time and talents are need in programming and event promotions.