
Hile Group Joins LRIW as Corporate Member

Washington, DC, October 14, 2015  The League of Railway Industry Women (LRIW) would like to welcome the Hile Group as a corporate member. View a full list of our corporate members here.


Washington, DC, October 14, 2015  The League of Railway Industry Women (LRIW) would like to welcome the Hile Group as a corporate member. View a full list of our corporate members here.

Company Profile: The Hile Group is a cross-industry performance consultancy that has focused on organizational safety culture; safety data analysis; leadership development; facilitation; and performance improvement for over 20 years. Hile Group associates have customized collaborative, consensus-based processes within Class I and short-line freight railroads, both freight and passenger. Our work in safety rules revision and safety committees, in particular, have reduced injuries; strengthened relationships between labor and management; mobilized greater field ownership of safety rules and initiatives; and improved compliance and enforcement of safety standards. Our expertise in systems thinking matched with our dedication to send employees home safe every day result in solutions that generate long-term, sustainable impact. As a result, the Hile Group protects a railroad's bottom line as much as its most important resource, its people.

Women at Hile Group: Founded by Julie Hile in 1991, women have always provided the backbone to Hile Group services to all customers, including those in railroad. Julie's first safety rules revision project was with a railroad, and over the years, our company has continued to enjoy a niche position in various transportation industries because of the particular need for collaborative solutions that bring the field and management together for shared ownership of performance improvement in safety and operations. More than 20 years after founding the company, Julie Hile serves as President and oversees a staff that is more than half women in such roles as senior performance consultant, safety data analyst, financial management, accounting, technical writing and graphical design, and administration support. When not serving customers directly on projects, the women of Hile Group are often seen at industry events, such as AAR or ASLRRA conference or committee meetings. Becoming a part of the League of Railway Industry Women offers another way of sharing Hile Group expertise with other members that serve the association and further member's organizations' safety, as well. We look forward to continuing our own professional development and service to helping customer organizations become even safer places to work.

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