Curry Rail Services Joins LRIW as Corporate Member
- By: LRW
- On: 10/15/2015 15:07:55
- In: Corporate Partners

Company Profile: Curry Rail Services (CRS) is a premier provider of locomotive products and freight cars services to the railroad industry. Located in the former Sam Rae-Hollidaysburg Car Shop in Hollidaysburg, PA CRS is an AAR M1003 and ISO9001 certified shop. One of the primary focuses at CRS is large program work for freight car repair consisting for covered hoppers, box cars and flat cars. With a newly added coating facility CRS can interior coat an array of cars with any requested coating. The locomotive division concentrates on manufacturing large components for locomotives and also rebuild programs ranging from wrecks to part replacements.
Women at Curry Rail Service: CRS is proud of all our employees and find it rewarding to have such a diverse group. Women play a very important role at CRS ranging from finance, purchasing, accounting and managing.
Visit CRS online: