
League of Railway Industry Women appoints executive officers, elects board representatives

Washington, DC, October 30, 2017 – The League of Railway Industry Women (LRIW), an organization that supports women in the rail industry, recently appointed new executive officers and elected six officers to its board of directors.

Washington, DC, October 30, 2017 – The League of Railway Industry Women (LRIW), an organization that supports women in the rail industry, recently appointed new executive officers and elected six officers to its board of directors.

The LRIW board appointed four new executive officers to lead the organization:
  • Tanis Peterson, Director, Operations and Regulatory Affairs, Railway Association of Canada – President
  • Amanda Trainor Patrick, VP Trade Shows & Member Relations, Railway Supply Institute – Vice President
  • Susan Robertson, Managing Director, Virginia Rail Solutions, LLC – Secretary
  • Jodi Heldt, Rail Customer Account Manager, Whiting Corp. – Past President

Six new members also were elected to the LRIW Board of Directors for three-year terms:
  • Kathee Fisk, Sr. Customer Support Engineer, GE Transportation – Director
  • Kari Gonzales, Executive Director – Business Services, Transportation Technology Center Inc. – Director
  • Elizabeth Sands – Scholarship Chair
  • Lisa Tackach, Business Development, Railroad Construction Company – Awards Chair
  • Luisa Fernandez-Willey, Senior Economist, Association of American Railroads – Membership Chair
  • Sarah Yurasko, Assistant General Counsel, Association of American Railroads – Director
“I am honored to serve as LRIW president this year, and excited to lead this fantastic team of executive officers and board members as we move forward with some exciting changes for the organization,” said LRIW President Tanis Peterson. “Our new board officers and members are ready to use their respective vision and talents to further our mission of expanding opportunities for women in the rail industry. These experienced industry leaders, who represent a cross-section of railroading disciplines, are committed to directing the League's efforts – and we appreciate their contributions.”

Media Contact: Emilia Marceta, LRIW Chair, Public Relations & Outreach,

About the League of Railway Industry Women

Founded in 1997, the League of Railway Industry Women is dedicated to providing leadership and support for the personal and professional development of women at every level in their railroading careers and railway-related business endeavors. Its mission is to create a forum within the rail industry that provides women with the opportunity to achieve a broader understanding of the railroad business. Learn more at; follow LRIW on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

