
LRW Hosts #RailDay2019 Networking Event

The League of Railway Women kicked off Railroad Day on Capitol Hill 2019 (RR Day) with a networking event featuring Jo Strang, Sr. VP, Safety & Regulatory Policy at American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association. Strang, a previous recipient of the LRW Railway Woman of the Year award, joined the 20+ group of attendees to discuss legislative priorities, best practices on successfully getting your point across, and insider tips about making the best of Railroad Day.

On May 7, the League of Railway Women (LRW) again kicked off Railroad Day on Capitol Hill (RR Day) with a networking and educational event featuring Jo Strang, Sr. VP, Safety & Regulatory Policy at American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association. Strang, a previous recipient of the LRW Railway Woman of the Year award, joined the 20+ group of attendees at Washington, D.C.'s Union Station to discuss the days legislative priorities, best practices on successfully getting your point across, and insider tips about making the best of Railroad Day.

“Railroad Day on Capitol Hill is an opportunity for Class 1 and short line railroads, contractors and suppliers to come together and educate Congress on matters most impacting our industry," said Lisa Tackach, from the sponsoring company, Railroad Construction Company, Inc. and LRW Awards Chair. "It is refreshing and encouraging to see the number of participants increase year after year. People care and fully take advantage of this opportunity to speak with their Members of Congress. The annual LRW Networking Reception held the night before is a major bonus. Jo Strang certainly helped prepare us for what to expect and how to approach each meeting. After 4 years attending Railroad Day, I still consider myself a rookie and find any information shared in advance helpful and useful.”

LRW hopes to host another event in conjunction with Railroad Day on the Hill next year. The date for RRDay 2020 is forthcoming.

Photo: Jo Strang addressing the group on RRDay legislative priorities.

Check out more pictures from Railroad Day on Capitol Hill 2019 on twitter at #RailDay2019 and @Railway_Women


