2014 Annual Conference Registration

2014 Conference Registration Information

LRIW Annual Conference at RSI/CMA 2014 | Montréal, QC  on September 21 – 24

The League of Railway Industry Women will host its Annual Conference in conjunction with RSI/CMA 2014 + Canadian Rail Summit on September 21 -23. To be held in Montréal, Quebec at the Palais des congrès, RSI/CMA 2014 will feature over 120 exhibits, over 50 conference sessions, and will have an expected attendance of 1,500.

View LRIW Conference Schedule

LRIW is glad  to be a part of this important industry event and will hold educational meetings, networking events, and tours of rail facilities located in Montréal. In addition, LRIW will present the 2014 Outstanding Woman of the Year award to a female leader in the rail industry during the Opening Session on Monday, September 22.

This is LRIW’s second year as a part of the Coordinated Mechanical Associations (CMA) and LRIW is excited for the opportunity to reach out to Canadian women in the rail industry.

Exhibits will be hosted by the Railway Supply Institute (RSI) and conference sessions will be hosted by the Coordinated Mechanical Associations (CMA) and Railway Association of Canada (RAC) will be hosting the Canadian Rail Summit.

Important Updates Registration & Room Reservations
The cost for a full conference pass which includes the LRIW Annual Conference attendees is $300 USD. Please select LRIW as your group affiliation. Full conference registration includes access to the Canadian Rail Summit and all of the Coordinated Mechanical Associations technical and educational sessions.  Fees also cover entrance into the exhibit hall during show hours, the opening plenary session, and all meals and receptions on the exhibit hall floor.
Thank You To Our Event Sponsor

If you have any questions or would like to discuss LRIW at RSI/CMA 2014 + Canadian Rail Summit please contact events@railwaywomen.org.

LRIW 2014 Annual Conference Schedule

The League of Railway Industry Women will host its Annual Conference in conjunction with RSI/CMA 2014 + Canadian Rail Summit on September 21 -23. To be held in Montréal, Quebec at the Palais des congrès, RSI/CMA 2014 will feature over 120 exhibits, over 50 conference sessions, and will have an expected attendance of 1,500.

Conference Schedule

Monday, September 22nd
  • The Keynote Speaker will be Claude Mongeau, President & CEO of CN (learn more)
  • LRIW will announce the 2014 Outstanding Woman of the Year.  (learn more)
LRIW Speakers  and Topics for September 22 include:
  • Lisa Raitt, Minister Transport Canada (invited)
  • Alana MacKinnon, P. Eng., Conestoga-Rovers & Associates
  • Joint Session with MARTS “Tank Car Safety Panel”
  • Women in Rail- Panel Discussion
Tuesday, September 23rd

Facility tours beginning at 8:30 am
  • Stella Jones (tie manufacturer)
  • DLL (traction motor components)
  • Via Rail (commute and tour rail system)
View Full Conference Schedule [pdf] 

View Full RSI/CMA 2014 + Canadian Rail Summit Schedule

Registration & Room Reservations

The cost for a full conference pass which includes the LRIW Annual Conference attendees is $300 USD. Please select LRIW as your group affiliation. Full conference registration includes access to the Canadian Rail Summit and all of the Coordinated Mechanical Associations technical and educational sessions.  Fees also cover entrance into the exhibit hall during show hours, the opening plenary session, and all meals and receptions on the exhibit hall floor.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss LRIW at RSI/CMA 2014 + Canadian Rail Summit please contact events@railwaywomen.org.