Start Date: 4/26/2023 1:00 PM EDT
End Date: 4/26/2023 2:00 PM EDT
Venue Name: Online Webinar
Event Website:
Organization Name:
League of Railway Women
Event Description
We hope you will join us to gain greater insight into where we stand as an industry when it comes to gender diversity, and insight into current implications and future actions to grow the representation of women in the rail industry.
Women have been historically underrepresented in both craft and management positions in the U.S. rail industry. Identified as one of the industry’s top workforce challenges, the study we will cover provides a more detailed view of gender diversity in rail transportation, and how factors such as gender and management status interact to affect perceptions of safety culture in a sample of U.S. short line and regional railroads.
The results suggested that women tended to be older than men, have more education, and were more likely to be employed at larger organizations. Despite being employed in the railroad industry for fewer years than men, women were also more likely to be managers. With regard to safety culture, managers had more positive perceptions than craft employees, and female craft employees had more positive perceptions than male craft employees. Implications for the industry and avenues for future research and implementation are discussed.
Registration Fees
LRW Member Registration: Free
Non-Member/Public Registration: $25